неділя, 4 квітня 2010 р.

Чудернацька ніч

Enigmatic night
Коли всі сплять, або читають книжки до ранку - маленьке створіння випускає своїх смішариків і вони лоскочуть йому носа, а він чхає і посміхається! :-)))))

When all sleep, or read books till the morning in their beds - a small creature releases his laugh-balls and they tickles his nose and he sneezes and smiles! :-)))))

7 коментарів:

  1. This creature is sweet, and I think he even plays with our dreams every night. I like the colors you chose and the light that floats around him. Thank you for the e-card, by the way! Happy Easter!

  2. He's a great little creature, isn't he?
    I love the colours in this :)

  3. I love this! The colors are fantastic and the glowing little laugh balls - wonderful little story and creature!

  4. Hello, Friends!!! I'm happy to see you! :-)
    Thank you for kind and soul words!
    Euphoria, yes, he plays with our dreams, you feels! He is very interesting and enigmatic. It seems he shines too!
    Happy Easter! Carolyn, Jon Davis, Kira, Tam Hess, Wietse Hoeksel and all! Happy Easter with love in heart! Hurrey!!!

  5. Ti-igra oh your work is so cleaver! My daughters will love this when I show them after school. Then I'll get comments how come you don't do fairies and such?

    Hope I hit the right buttons to get this posted :)

  6. Hello, Betsy! Really! You know, I don't painting fairies yet but I want to try to draw them to your daughters ;-)
    I think it will be very interesting for her and for me :))) Say hello for her from me! Say that tiger cub give smile for her! :-) Mr
