"Heroes Never Die"
I have no words to describe all feelings, my friends! These days are so sad in Ukraine.
But I must to tell you. It happened in my peaceful country... 88 people, mostly protesters, are now known to have been killed in clashes since 18 February.
They have changed and saved Ukraine. Thank you, dears, our glorious Heavenly Squad!
I am crying...
Great Thanks for your letters with support, my friends!
It is a big happiness to have such wonderful friends!
Take care!
I will be here soon
Video - БІМБА production "Небесна Сотня"
BBC News
I have no words to describe all feelings, my friends! These days are so sad in Ukraine.
But I must to tell you. It happened in my peaceful country... 88 people, mostly protesters, are now known to have been killed in clashes since 18 February.
They have changed and saved Ukraine. Thank you, dears, our glorious Heavenly Squad!
I am crying...
Great Thanks for your letters with support, my friends!
It is a big happiness to have such wonderful friends!
Take care!
I will be here soon
Video - БІМБА production "Небесна Сотня"
BBC News
Вічна пам'ять і вічна слава Героям!
ВідповістиВидалитиТак, Ілонка!!!! Вони назавжди в наших серцях <3