пʼятниця, 14 травня 2010 р.

Коли каштани квітнуть

When the chestnuts in blossom

Тоді у кожного із нас виникає бажання заховатися в їх тіні, вдихати спів пташок і відповідати їм подумки. Люстерко в моїх руках показує зайчика в іншому куточку лісу. Ловіть! :-)

Then each of us have a desire to hide in their shadows, to breathe birds singing and respond to them mentally. Mirror in my hands shows "sunny bunny" in another corner of the forest. Catch him! :-)

7 коментарів:

  1. Very good drawings! So few strokes - all with confidence and expression of the individual. Wish I could draw that well!

  2. Thank you, Carolyn! :-)
    You are very talented!!! Wish you have a beautiful sunny day!

  3. Great drawings, perfect lines, wise observations, as usual...I agree with C, I wish I could draw like you!

  4. Thank you, my friends! :-)
    Wietse - you are as always in good humor! This great!
    Kira, if we lived nearby, could draw together! I'm sure you succeed, just try! ;-)

  5. Really great drawings.
    Nice simple lines, yet lots of character in them.
    Top stuff :)
