понеділок, 16 травня 2011 р.

Навколо лісу

Around The Forest
Пролітаючи на велосипеді, захотілося намалювати це чудове місце :)
Можливо я перстаралася із темними кольорами, та мабуть настрій все ж згустився у моїй голові, щоб вибухнути потім із новою силою :)
Till I was flying on the bike, I saw and wanted to draw this great place:)
Maybe I overdone with dark colors, perhaps mood thickened in my head to explode then with a new strength:)

Here my oooold bicycle :-) which I love! And my forest :)
Forest Huuugs!

14 коментарів:

  1. твій ліс на картині мені подобається більше ніж на фото!! такі кольори - супер! хочется дивитися і дивитися!! Amazingly tender and beautiful. I want more!

  2. :)))))))) Правда!?
    Спасибі, Дашуня! Ти сонечко чудове! :)

    Чудовелезного тобі настрою! Обійми лісу тут усіх вітають :)

  3. :)))))))) Тата, обймаю тебе лісом! :-*
    Дякую, сонечко!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Your forest is magical - Spring's breath of delicate white petals - swirling in fragrant wafts! Beautiful pastel Ti! I too would love to ride a bike through your special forest.

  5. how wonderful this forest it! it suits you very well!

  6. Carolyn: Wow! my dear-dear friend! How beautiful words! I am really happy! And I am sending your wishes to this forest! :-)))))))

    genie espinosa: Dearrrr!!!! :-D How wonderful, I am happy, you liked it! This forest - is my native!
    I was born in it - because there is a hospital in this forest! Do you imagine! :-)))))))))

  7. Oh Ti! I want to buy that painting, I think it´s beautiful, the darks and the whites are just perfect.
    I love your forest, I wish I could go biking with you someday!

  8. Kira! Hello, my wonderful friend! :-D
    If you so like it -I may to present it to you :)

    And I am really whant to go biking with you toooooooo, dear! ;-)))
    Spasibo! :)

  9. i dont know how you do this but this seems like a glowing image!!!!!

    soooooo magical!!!!! xoxox

  10. Thank you, dearest!
    How wonderful to hear you! You bring the light fairy energy to my place! Thank you! :*

    Forest is alive!
    P.S. I'll be very careful with bicycle, dear, I promise! :*

  11. Please let me know by email how much is it. You don´t have to give it to me. I just fell in love with it. As I said in your newest post, your trees move magically.....

  12. :-D Kira, you are super-wonder! :-))))))))))
    I sent you an interesting letter! ;-)

    Thank you for all your wonderful words, my dear friend!
