середа, 24 жовтня 2012 р.


Ніби велетенські груші :D на подвір'ї.
Like a huge pears on my yard.

Not at first time I choose a dark Rich Maroon paper (for darker pictures), and all time the same for me - working on it very hard if you want to cover layer after layer. Middle tones of pastels became very light and in the shadows it is very dark. Maybe I don't like very dark pictures to create? :D I am thinking about it. I will be very grateful if someone tell me own story about this fact!

8 коментарів:

  1. This is beautiful Ira! It may be dark, but I like how the light comes through the cracks in the barn. I have the same problem with dark paper. It is a challenge to bring the lights up and up. It takes so much layering and so much pastel. Still, I really like this painting!

    1. Hi, Carolyn, dear! Thank you for comment, I wanted to hear your tips so much! :)
      Yes, it is a lot of pastels and I used brush to shake it off in some places :D
      I'm very glad you liked this light - it inspired me in that day! :D

  2. I love the tones and mood of autumn. All the harvested pumpkins gathered in the barn ~ I think of soups and pies to come! :) How do you keep your lights light after applying the hold? I'm always disappointed when I spray and my bright colors dull, even though I've purchased the most expensive kind that isn't supposed to do that. Your darks and lights are gorgeous!

    1. Hi, Kimi!!!! At first want to thank you for such nice comment! :)
      And answer for your question, I never use a spray - it is an evil... I did it a couple times, was disappointed and lost my works. At first I am choosing colour and tone of paper. Here paper is dark, so lights are climbing up :D
      And in this situation is harder to paint in dark shapes than in light, I think. I've shaked off some layers in dark to add new colours :)

      THank you sooo much, dearest!!! <3

    2. I like your pumpkins. I've never done a watercolour about halloween. You've inspired me for next year.

    3. Hi, my dearest friend!!!! Kirochka, I'm happy with this fact! :D Uhuhuuu!!!! I love this holiday, it has so funny and magical mood!
      HUGS!!!! <3
