I like the loose, scribbly, expressive lines. You capture the figure very well! I've seen some sketches of Robin Cheers on her blog and she has a similar style in her quick sketches that she will do in a coffee shop of people sitting nearby. This is a talent I do not have - sketching people!
Carolyn! I'm so glad to see you! :)) I often draw sketches. But while the weather was warm - taken a draw landscapes. Color, this is what I wanted! Many scetches I draws on the station, in parks, cafes. Grandmothers, children. Especially love to draw traffic. Dynamics. you just try to draw people. You also can draw! True! Just try! I am sure you will find your style. :) You will experience the character of people which you draw. Thank you, Carolyn! ;-)
I like the loose, scribbly, expressive lines. You capture the figure very well! I've seen some sketches of Robin Cheers on her blog and she has a similar style in her quick sketches that she will do in a coffee shop of people sitting nearby. This is a talent I do not have - sketching people!
ВідповістиВидалитиCarolyn! I'm so glad to see you! :))
ВідповістиВидалитиI often draw sketches. But while the weather was warm - taken a draw landscapes. Color, this is what I wanted!
Many scetches I draws on the station, in parks, cafes. Grandmothers, children. Especially love to draw traffic. Dynamics.
you just try to draw people. You also can draw! True! Just try! I am sure you will find your style. :)
You will experience the character of people which you draw.
Thank you, Carolyn! ;-)