понеділок, 15 березня 2010 р.

Ельфи? :-)

Elves? :-)
Чомусь  Андрій так нагадує ельфа, так може це він і є, із самого Лоріену!
Учора я купила книгу Д. Р. Р. Толкіна "The Fellowship of the ring", надруковану в Лондоні 1981 року. Хуррей! Буду порівнювати із оригіналом!

Why is Andrew so reminiscent of the elf, so may be he is from Lorien?!
Yesterday I bought the book of J.R.R. Tolkien "The Fellowship of the ring", printed in London in 1981. Hurra! I would compare with the original!

6 коментарів:

  1. Молодець! Я спочатку подумав, що це фото. :)

  2. Хурра! Дякую, bitcreator! Це ж здорово! :-))

  3. Must be the long hair and face. But, very good drawing! You captured expression and thought in the model's mind.

  4. Yes, Carolyn! :-) Long hair and exacerbation face! And also pointed ears, they already in my head, I imagine, when I look at him. Maybe I will work with this portrait on the following weekend. :-)
    Thank you, Carolyn!!!

  5. He looks very serious. He is like an actor. He has a very strong personality. You sure know how to draw! Can you teach me?

  6. Hello, Kira! :-) Yes, he is artistic man and once I saw he read at the break the Celtic mythology. He is silent and mysterious! I think he did as we wandered around the worlds :-))
    I will send you something, I have some books of drawing ;-)
