понеділок, 31 травня 2010 р.

Києво-Печерська Лавра

В спекотний літній день, коли сонце затягнуто пеленою хмар, хочеться холодного подиху. Я сиділа на пляжі Гідропарку на піску і малювала прохолоду пагорбів по той бік Дніпра. Дзвінниця Києво-Печерської Лаври звала до себе потойбічними звуками.

In a hot summer day when the sun clouds closed, you want the cold breath. I sat on the beach on sand of Hydropark and drawing cool hills across the Dnieper.
Bell Tower of Lavra(link on photos) called me with her otherworldly sounds.

4 коментарі:

  1. I can see once again that you are in love with Kiev and that it inspires you with its views.
    Lovely pictures!

  2. Yes, Kira! ;-)
    Thank you for warm comment!!! :-) When I scanned this picture, I see now mistakes in it. But I like to work "in a mood"! And sometimes it prevents seeing mistakes.

  3. I don't see any mistakes. Looks beautiful and dreamy to me. I also enjoyed visiting the links you provided and learning more about these fantastic buildings. I think mood paintings are much richer than when we try to be so exact and accurate.

  4. O! Thank you, Carolyn! :-)
    I so happy! I totally agree with you, when I paint with soul, it is immediately visible, because there can be seen mood in color and lines! It's so cool when someone understands you, thank you, my friends!
    I really value all you!!! :)))
