Сьогодні я вирішила "закінчити" (тобто довести до певного завершального рівня) студійний натюрморт. Пастель та декілька правок у програмі Corel Painter. особисто мені дуже важко приступити до роботи, яку я не закінчила раніше. Але я беру приклад із моєї подруги Carolyn :-)Мене завжди вражає її старанність та наполегливість!
I was always impressed her diligence and perseverance!
This is beautiful and unique! I have never seen your still life before. Interesting objects, a little mystery, and beautiful little spots of shine on the objects to move the eye around. Congratulations to you! Great job!
ВідповістиВидалитиThank you, Carolyn!!! I very happy! :-))
ВідповістиВидалитиIt was fun to create a still life, I'm not very fond of drawing still life, as you noticed. But I found it very interesting and nice to paint:)
Wow this great! Great to see you doing still lives also.
ВідповістиВидалитиCan I ask how much of this piece was done in Painter and how much with traditional pastels?
Realy looks good!
Hi, Wietsy! Thank you!!!!!! :-))))
ВідповістиВидалитиI am very happy that you like this still life!
Answer to your question: almost everything was painted with traditional pastels on CANSON paper. And in Painter I finished the background in the corners of the format (where in fact always lazy and dull paint background, especially on such large format) :-)
It's almost a light touch here and there - mostly in the kettle. It was too curve :-) Unfortunately I have not photos of still life, I just drew from my memory colors in the shadows. But! All reflections created almost pastel, frankly - in the program so difficult to make, comes out very blurry.
Glass and shell - I did not touch at all. And added a bit dark in the shadows and light on the shiny surface of iron openwork pieces :-)
Getting digital work to look exactly how you want it to look can be very time consuming yes.
ВідповістиВидалитиIt helps if you combine different type of brushes and if you figure out how the options in the "Brush Controls" menu work youre comming a long way.
But then again, Digital work might be great for illustration or animation, but when it comes to "real art" that people want to frame and hang on their wall, a printed copy of a j-peg or a tiff.file allways looses from real handcrafted work with texture and materials.
Yes, totally agree with you!
ВідповістиВидалитиIn fact I made some edits to share with you my picture. But as I had no opportunity and time again to work on paper with pastel last time, I chose this way :-)
But I know now how to correct and finish my traditional artwork - because I picked up shades and could see the large format in smaller appearance :))))
Thank you for the comments, Wietse! I am very happy to hearing from you :-)